Protocol is the rules or conventions of correct and appropriate behavior and recognition of a group, organization or profession on official or ceremonial occasions.
Why Follow Protocol?
Protocol is used because of etiquette, respect, order, good manners and common courtesy. The people recognized earned the reverence through their service and we owe it to them to be recognized appropriately.
Protocol for the Annual District Governor Helen Casaclang’s Visit — please click here to see most current visitation schedule

- Presiding Officer (Club President or Meeting Chair) Principal Speaker/District Governor
- 1st Vice District Governor
- 2nd Vice District Governor
- Immediate Past District Governor
- Cabinet Secretary/Cabinet Treasurer
- Region Chairs
- Zone Chairs
- Immediate Past Club President (If the club president is the presiding officer)
- Club Vice President
The visit of the District Governor is one of the highlights of the Lions year. Certain rules of protocol apply for the official visit. This is not a campaign visit. Introduction of the Governor should be done only once – when being presented to the assembly for remarks.
The Governor sits to the immediate right of the podium with the President to the immediate left. It would be suggested that thirty (30) minutes be allowed for remarks by the Governor. Other Cabinet members will speak only with permission of the District Governor.
The Governor is the only speaker scheduled for the meeting. The District Governor will speak and introduce the accompanying Cabinet members. Please refer to the seating chart attached for seating chart attached.
This is your opportunity to learn the vision and goals of our International President and District. Do not expect the Governor to compete with another speaker or with long, drawn-out business or board meetings. Rules are suspended and all reports are tabled until the next Club regular meeting.
The Governor maintains a very busy schedule during the year and courtesy would suggest that the Governor scheduled visitations are honored and not changed at the last minute. District Visitation Chair Lion Yvonne Kantola schedules District Governor Helen Casaclang’s annual Club visitation. For questions/scheduling Please click here to see the current Visitation Schedule.
The Governor can be introduced by the club president or one of the cabinet officers present. This should be done with dignity and include information concerning the Governor’s home club, business, offices held, Lion activities and family, if appropriate.
Please create an agenda to work from and start the meeting on time. Make sure all of the details are done in advance, greeters to be present, bell and banner displayed, region or zone chairmen invited, meal planned and, if a gift is being presented, make sure it is available at the meeting.
Notify the Governor, in writing, of all special club events and extend an invitation to attend. If the Governor is expected to be a participant in the event, provide advance notification, in writing, as to the level of participation requested by the club.
When the District Governor is recognized at any Lions meeting, club or district level, all Lions should rise and remain standing until the Governor signals them to be seated Not only is this proper protocol, it is recognition of the office.
If a club wishes the Governor to induct new members during the course of an official visit, again notify of the induction in advance and provide a list of names of new members, and their sponsors. Make sure new member kits are ready for presentation.