[heading size=”1″ color=”#c51111″]Sunshine News[/heading]

It is with profound sadness that San Carlos Lions Club announces the passing of Past District Governor John “Al” Russell. PDG Al was a proud 55 year Lion serving as District 4-C4 Governor in 2006-2007. PDG Al was a great mentor and example to all of us. His kindness and support will be missed.
Services will be held Sunday, September 2 at 10:00 at Skylawn Memorial Park (Hwy 92 and Skyline Blvd, San Mateo 94402). Interment at 11:30. Reception immediately following the burial.
The District wants to know of Lions illness, Death and Life Events. Please email your Sunshine News that you would like shared with the District to our Sunshine Chair, Lion Marian Mann at marianlmann@aol.com