In 1925, Helen Keller addressed the Lions at our international convention and urged us to be the “knights of the blind in the crusade against darkness.” Since then, Lions have become renowned worldwide for their efforts to improve sight, prevent blindness and other visual impairment, and improve eye health and eye care for millions of people around the world. District 4C4 Lions volunteers provide active and vibrant programs serving children and adults of all ages at health fairs, centers, companies, schools, and businesses.
- LCI: Vision page
- LCIF: Vision page
- Lions Eye Foundation of CA/NV examinations, operations, medication
- Lions in Sight of CA/NV collection and distribution of used eyeglasses
Vision Screeners
The District has four portable vision screeners (2 Spot and 2 PlusOptix) available for club use on a first come, first serve basis. It is recommended that those operating the vision screeners be certified by Lions Kid Sight USA (see below).
Contact Vision Screener Scheduler Lion Mary Picchi to request your reservation, including your name, club name, date(s) requested, and purpose (health fair, school, etc).
Lions Kid Sight USA
To ensure all children have the opportunity to receive vision screening by Lions Clubs and to facilitate necessary follow-up care, concentrating on the ages 6 months to 6 years, to find those children with the potential for Amblyopia and those with refractive errors needing eyeglasses to see clearly because every child deserves to learn and see the world clearly and succeed in school and society.
Note: If you do not have permission slips signed before administering the screening, you and club assume all responsibilities for any legal claims brought against you or your club.
Your district’s goal is to have all documents available in English, Spanish. Tagalog, and Chinese. If you would like to help translate the packet, please email attention PDG Mel Phillips.
- Kid Sight USA website
- Introduction to Kid Sight USA Program (PDF)
- Kid Sight USA Training Manual (PDF)
- Eye Screening Information – English (PDF)
- Eye Screening Information – Spanish (PDF)
- Eye Screening Information – Chinese (PDF)
- School Principal’s Consent Form (PDF)
- Vision Screening Results Form (PDF)