General Resources


Dues Charged per Standard MemberDescription/EntityMethod InvoicedDate Invoiced (twice annually for half the amount in first column)
$43.00Lions Clubs InternationalOnline via MyLCI (for President, Secretary, Treasurer), or mailed to Treasurer12/31 and 6/30, and on the 3rd business day of the month following new member addition (prorated)
$18.00Multiple District 4 (California Lions)Mailed to Treasurer, or by request to admin@md4office.org8/1 and 2/1
$14.40District 4-C4(included in MD4 invoice)
Dues Breakdown

Dues are based on the number of members on the Monthly Membership Report. Lions fiscal year is from July through June.

Non payment of these invoices may jeopardize your clubs ability to vote at district and/or international conventions.

Dues and Membership Category Information

Annual Reporting (i.e. Taxes)