Lions District 4-C4
Lions Clubs International is the world’s largest community service organization. When caring people join together, roll up their sleeves and take action to make their community better, it’s a beautiful thing — and an incredible feeling for everyone involved. That’s Lions. Being a Lion is about leading by example, building relationships and improving the world through kindness. It’s 1.4 million caring men and women serving together so they can make a lasting impact and change more lives. – About Us
Lions District 4-C4 is a member of Lions Clubs International, comprising of all the Lions Clubs in San Francisco County, San Mateo County, and the City of Palo Alto. We’re a diverse group of clubs with one common goal — to serve.
District Leadership

District Governor Fanny Chu
San Francisco Chinatown Lions Club
District Governor Fanny Chu, born in Hong Kong, went to college in Minnesota and New Orleans, lived in New York and Chicago, now lives in San Francisco Bay Area as a Global Realtor, Speaker, NAR Designation Instructor/Trainer in Senior, Employer-Assisted Housing and Certified International Property Specialist. Fanny is fluent in English/Chinese (Mandarin, Cantonese & Shanghainese). She is a columnist, and has hosted Chinese Real Estate Radio and TV Programs. She is currently serving on San Francisco Association of Realtors Board and California Association of Realtors as Director. Fanny has also held leadership positions in multiple trade and volunteer organizations.
Fanny is blessed with a great family, daughter Melissa (Past New Century Lions Club President) and family now lives in Seattle, son Victor (Past Leo President) and family now lives in Southern California. Fanny and Joe are also proud grandparents of Violet, Maverick and Davin.
Volunteerism is a major part of Fanny’s life. An active Lion with SF Chinatown Lions Club since 1991, she has served as President, District Leo Chair, Region Chair, Foundation Trustee, Guiding Lion, Trainer and more. She has been recognized with many, including International President’s awards. Fanny is a LCIF Melvin Jones, Don Stanaway and Helen Keller Fellow. Her most gratifying achievement is in training, becoming the LCIP graduate and a LCI Lions Certified Instructor in 2019.
“Where there’s a Need There’s a Lion!” Doing the good deeds is just the first step. We as Lions need to ROAR, to “Be Seen, Be Heard & Be Known”. We as Lions welcome volunteers to join us in service projects and embrace them into the gateway of Lionism.
These are turbulent times but we D4-C4 Leaders and Lions will meet the challenges and Thrive!
Refresh, Re-energize and Renew. We District 4-C4 Lions are READY for the new Lion’s Year and SERVE!
First Vice District Governor Augusto “Dr. Jun” Valera, MD
San Francisco Fil-Am Lions Club

Lion Dr. Jun is the head of the Valera Family Unit which consists of himself, Lion Luisa, Leo Lion August and Leo Lion Tessa. When Lion Jun joined the Lions in 2004, his whole family became part of the Lions Family, and they have been active in Lionism ever since. The motto of the Valera Family unit is “The family that serves together stays together.” They attended nine International Conventions.
Lion Dr. Jun has served in multiple leadership positions: Club President 2x, Secretary 7x, Treasurer, Membership Chair, Leo Advisor 3x, YEP Chair 4x; District Treasurer, Region Chair, Zone Chair 2x, YEP Chair 4x, SFCCLC President; MD4 YEP General Chair. Lion Jun has received multiple awards: International President Medal, International Leadership Award, Senior Master Key Award, Zone Chair Excellence Award, Diamond, Gold and Silver Membership Awards, Centennial Club Organizer, and multiple 100% Secretary’s Awards, MD4 Couple of the Year Finalist Award, District 4-C4 Lion of the Year Award, and five time Lion of the Year from his club. Graduate from Advanced Lions Leadership Institute and received his Bachelor’s degree at Lions University. He co-chartered the SF Nueva Vizcaya LC. Lion Dr. Jun is a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow, Dr. Bill Iannaccone Fellow #2, and a Don Stanaway Fellow.
He is a practicing physician/surgeon at the SF VA Medical Center and a Clinical Instructor of Surgery at UCSF. He is the vice president of the Philippine Medical Society of Northern CA (
He champions multi-club joint venture projects, such as health fairs, multi-club Installations, Youth Exchange, medical missions, and the establishment of Lions In Sight Eye Clinics and GIHW Clinics in the Philippines. He believes “We Serve Better Together!”
A documentary about Lion Dr Jun entitled “At Your Service” ( was sponsored by the Department of State and was televised on Filipino Television Station GMA. Lion Dr. Jun advocates FAMILY – Fostering a More Involved Lion in You! Lion Dr Jun is a front liner this COVID-19 Pandemic!
Second Vice District Governor John Hui
San Bruno Lions Club

Lion John Hui was born in Bangkok, Thailand. He came to San Francisco when he was 15 years old. Not wanting to burden his family with tuition and other living expenses, he found jobs while going to school. At the young age of 21, he started his own printing company. He ran his business for 25 years in the Peninsula.
Lion John Hui has served Lions International in many different capacities. He has been a proud and active member of the San Bruno Lions Club since 1998.
Lion John Hui and Lion Venetia Young live in San Carlos. They have been partners in service for over ten years. They have three adult children.
Lion John is a Family Service Advisor at Skylawn Memorial Park in San Mateo. Lion Venetia enjoys teaching part time for San Carlos and Redwood City School Districts.
They are very active in both San Bruno and San Carlos Lions Clubs. They are associate members of the Silicon Valley Cyber Club and support many other clubs. They share the joy of meeting new Lions through their travels in the District, MD4 and beyond.
Lion John is grateful for an opportunity to serve as District 4-C4’s 2nd Vice District Governor. Through the various Global Lions’ Initiatives, he will be able to fulfill his passion and dedication in serving those in need. He pledges to lead 4-C4 to “Evolve and Thrive.”