Weekly Email Newsletter “The Thread”

  • The Thread will be published once a week – usually on Sunday evening
  • Event and Community Service Flyers may be included on The Thread if the event is sponsored by District 4-C4 Lions Club(s) with the sponsoring Lions Club(s) listed. If the sponsoring club(s) are not listed, flyer will be returned to sender to modify.
  • Flyers may be listed/included on Thread if received by Noon each Friday. Please email to lions4service@gmail.com. Flyers will be acknowledged as received to the sender – if you do not receive an acknowledgement, please resend

Quarterly Bulletin

Lion John Gill
District Newsletter Editor
Peninsula Council of Lions PP 2016-2017
San Mateo LC
SF Premier LC Associate








We are working to get all past issues of the Newsletter on Google Drive and linked here.

While that is not yet completed, please see the (partially unorganized) archive for previous editions: lions4c4.org/Newsletter