Certified Guiding Lions Program

Guiding Lion Program

View the On-line recording of the Guiding Lions Training On-Line Video Conference 5/2/2020

Certified Guiding Lion Course Led by Global Leadership Team Leaders PDG Mario Benavente and Lion Kevin Guess webinar

The Guiding Lions Course is designed for Both New, Existing, and Priority Designated Clubs. It is designed to assist clubs that are newly chartered, established, or determined as priority designation. Guiding Lions are assigned for a two-year term by the district governor in consultation with the sponsoring or established club president. Guiding Lions are limited to serving no more than two new clubs at any point in time.

  • Be successful in its first two years of operation
  • Orient and train club officers and members
  • Motivate and support club growth and development
  • Locate resources available to assist the club
  • Guiding Lion Support for Existing and Priority Designation Clubs
  • To apply the Guiding Lion strategy to a club that is rebuilding or a priority designation, district governors must complete the appropriate forms:

Priority Designation Clubs: Assists clubs in the areas of: rebuilding, recruiting new members, training officers and providing meaningful community service.

Club Assignment Form: Complete this form to assign a Guiding Lion to a club and ensure they receive the monthly Club Health Assessment.

Certified Guiding Lion Rebuilding Assessment: This checklist tool designed to identify the club’s strengths and areas for improvement so that the Guiding Lion can develop training and support specific to the needs of the club.

Club Health Assessment: to track membership growth, reporting trends and the overall health of the clubs in your district.

Certified Guiding Lion Program e-Kit

Guiding Lions are encouraged to complete the Certified Guiding Lion Course to improve their skills in club support. The course is designed to be completed individually or facilitated by an instructor. All Certified Guiding Lions are required to take the Certified Guiding Lion (CGL) every three years. Following is a list of course material to become a Certified Guiding Lion.

Guiding Lions are encouraged to complete the Certified Guiding Lion Course to improve their skills in club support. The course is designed to be completed individually or facilitated by an instructor. All Certified Guiding Lions are required to take the Certified Guiding Lion (CGL) every three years.  Following is a list of course material to become a Certified Guiding Lion.

Trainer Tools

Participant Tools

Resources for Group Review

Best Practice for Financial Transparency

Following the course, submit the Completion Verification Form and the Test for Certified Guiding Lions, to receive a special achievement certificate.


click on link to review/download resource

Presidential Certified Guiding Lion Award -To receive the Presidential Certified Guiding Lion Award, it requires that you complete:

Quarterly Reports – These are submitted during your two-year assignment.

Certified Guiding Lion Final Report – At the end of your two-year assignment with the club, complete the CGL Final Report, which contains the criteria required to qualify for the award.

For more information or to order your Certified Guiding Lion kit, please contact us by email certifiedguidinglions@lionsclubs.org or phone (630)468-6810.