Hello Lions.
Sight Preservation and Awareness and Action Committee
Re: In Anticipating of Schools Opening
We have all been facing the loss of viable projects available to us during this past year.
But now we have vaccines that may, hopefully, cut down the infections and start to diminish new cases of Covid-19.
As you may know, many communities are creating plans to reopen their schools in the next several months. Our children need all the help they can get after being restricted to Distant Learning in Zoom Classes for the last year.
This leads me to believe there is a window of opportunity to update your existing programs or create new programs that help all the children within your communities, while increasing your club visibility.
There are several programs in existence that can be viable to you by contacting our District Global Action Teams Service Committee, Lion August Valera or Lion Tom Jackiewicz.
An easy program to develop is the Kids Sight Screening Program which goes into schools or other facilities to do Eye Screening. Our District owns and maintains four scanning device that your club can reserve for dates that you will be using. Please remember to reserve in advance.
If you require training for the use of the scanning device please contact me, PDG. Mel.
Regardless of which programs your club elects you will need Face Shield, Face Masks and Gloves, at a minimum. You can order these items, for free, from the District’s Endorsed Program, The Global Initiative for Health and Wellness, Lion Eleanor Britter.
Speaking of increased visibility, I believe this program is one of the easiest ways a club can become visible within their community. Please allow me to explain a method that I know positively works, because the San Bruno Lions have been using this program for years.
Just follow these amazingly easy steps:
1. Have your Club Secretary go to the LCI Store, on the LCI Website, and order 10 or more Lions EyeGlass Collection Boxes that cost about $5.50 ea.
2. When the boxes arrive attach a Lions Business Card or a paper containing a telephone number to be called when the box is filled.
3. Make a list of every Optometrist or Ophthalmologist in your area or any other business you can think of that sells glasses or picks up glasses that are left behind.
4. At this point your eyeglass Chairman can go out and visit these businesses while asking them to direct all their used glasses to your Lions Club. Everyone that walks into the business will see the Lions collection box and realize that Lions are in their community and helping others.
5. When you receive a call to pick up the eyeglasses, please be respectful to the business, and do it right away!
6. Bring a bag or another box with you to collect the used glasses and leave the original Lions Collection Box, unless it is damaged and if so, leave a new collection box.
7. Please make sure you thank the business you are visiting for their interest in helping those in need.
8. You may also ask the people in the business to become more active in the community by becoming a member of your Lions Club. (Make sure you have a Lions Clubs Request for Membership application with you or at a minimum, a Lions Brochure)
9. Keep all collected eyeglasses together until you are ready to bring them to the Districts Eye Collection pickup area on the date they specify.
How much easier can it be to gain recognition within your Community?????
Mel Phillips, PDG
Lion Mel Phillips, PDG
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