Let’s close out the 2020-2021 Lions year with a bang! Lions and Leos MD-4 Leadership Summit – June 12, 2021

Hello Fellow Lions,
What an Awesome way to close the 2020-2021 Lions year! Attend this “Online” Summit, the fourth in our series! Get the inspiration, motivation, and “New Ideas” needed to put that “spark” back in you or your club to serve the community in 2021-2022 Lions Year! The best part – It’s Free! All from the comfort of your office or home sipping hot cocoa, coffee, or your favorite beverage.
Back by popular demand is VP Brian Sheehan with great ideas on “Succession Planning.”
If you are interested in being a part of this incredible event, simply click on the registration link here:
Looking forward to seeing you at the Multiple District 4 Lions Leadership Summit on June 12th.
Thanks for listening,
Lion Norm McDaniel
Past District Governor – District 4A-3
Multiple District 4 – Global Leadership Team Coordinator
805-340-4849 (mobile)