Lions District 4-C4

Lions Clubs International is the world’s largest community service organization. When caring people join together, roll up their sleeves and take action to make their community better, it’s a beautiful thing — and an incredible feeling for everyone involved. That’s Lions. Being a Lion is about leading by example, building relationships and improving the world through kindness. It’s 1.4 million caring men and women serving together so they can make a lasting impact and change more lives. – About Us

Lions District 4-C4 is a member of Lions Clubs International, comprising of all the Lions Clubs in San Francisco County, San Mateo County, and the City of Palo Alto. We’re a diverse group of clubs with one common goal — to serve.

District Leadership

District Governor Clayton Jolley

Half Moon Bay Lions Club

Lion Clayton is a native son of California and spent his high school years on the eastern side of the Sierras in the beautiful Owens Valley. While in high school, he was asked to join the Independence Volunteer Fire Department as a student firefighter and never looked back.

Lion Clayton was a Student Firefighter at UC Davis, Captain at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Fire Department, Battalion Chief at the Half Moon Bay Fire Protection District and CalFire Battalion Chief. After retirement, he knew he wanted to transition from a life in public service to a life in service to his community.

As the chair of Relay for Life of Half Moon Bay, Lion Clayton saw the service-oriented backbone of the Half Moon Bay Lions Club and joined them in 2009. He has enjoyed many service projects such as Rise Against Hunger, Second Harvest food delivery at St. Vincent DePaul, vision testing in the schools and Rebuilding Together Peninsula. He has been President, Treasurer, and Membership Chair, sponsoring a number of Lions into the club.

Lion Clayton has been a Region and Zone Chair, is a Progressive Melvin Jones Fellow, a graduate of the Advanced Lions Leadership Institute and the Faculty Development Institute. He has received an MD-4 Excellence Award and is a past President of the Peninsula Council of Lions.

On his Lions journey, Lion Clayton is grateful to have the support of Mary Kay, his lovely wife of 34 years, and his children, Warren, Eleanor, Claire and Daughter-in-law Aubrey.

First Vice District Governor Cindy Zheng

San Mateo Metropolitan Lions Club

Lion Cindy Zheng, a proud Lion for 22 years, Lion currently serves as the First Vice District Governor of District 4-C4. Her enthusiasm for service has been instrumental in organizing six clubs over the years. Her vision focuses on increasing membership through new club development and new member recruitment. Additionally, she emphasizes enhancing service opportunities and coordinating efforts across multiple clubs.

Lion Cindy is a Certified Guiding Lion and participates in LCI’s Faculty Development Instructor Program. Her passion for leadership training is evident, particularly when working with Lions who speak English as a second language.

Interestingly, Lion Cindy’s journey began in the medical field. She transitioned from being a Pediatric Chief Resident to an executive officer in the financial sector. Her multifaceted career showcases her adaptability and dedication to making a positive impact in District 4-C4.

Lion Cindy holds the position of Assistant Dean at California Norstate University and serves as a registered principal of a financial advisory firm in San Francisco. Lion Cindy and her husband, Lion Wayne Ma, are proud of their two sons, Jimmy Ma and Frank Ma, who both proudly carry on the Lions’ legacy..

Second Vice District Governor Jimmy Ness

Foster City Bair Island Cyber Lions Club

Lion Jimmy Ness epitomizes the definition of “Service” – serving people and communities while expecting nothing in return.
Second Vice District Governor Jimmy began his Lion journey in 2015 as a member of the Foster City Lions Club, moving through the ranks in club leadership, chairing 11 committees and holding positions of Director, Vice President, and President.

In 2020, Lion Jimmy with his partner-in-service, Melite Wood, founded the Foster City Bair Island Cyber Lions Club with a renewed focus on providing service to the local community but also doing outreach overseas in countries such as Tonga, Ukraine, and the Philippines.

In his personal life he is a successful business owner, a proud father of two beautiful daughters an accomplished DJ and a pretty good golfer..
2VDG Jimmy is most proud of the fact that in 2023 he graduated Lions University with a Doctorate in Lionism. Prior to that in the years 2018 to 2022 he obtained his Bachelors and Masters in Lionism, graduated Advanced Lion Leadership Institute, graduated Faculty Development Institute and is presently an MD4 Trainer at Emerging Lion Leadership Institute.

At his very core, Lion Jimmy is a pure humanitarian with a genuine concern for the wellbeing and welfare of others.

More Info on District 4-C4